Get Google to recommend Your  Business to Every Potential Customer


Also Get Bing to recommend Your  Business to Every Potential Customer

Get exclusively recommended today!

Be the first company your customers see.

Your Competitive Edge

Your customers will see your company as a "suggested term" before they ever have a chance to see your competition.  Get to your customers first with Autocomplete-Optimization.

Find out more

Diamond Digital Agency BRINGS YOU LEADS.

What is Diamond Digital Agency ?

Diamond Digital Agency allows you to be in the auto-complete for Google and Bing.  Your customers see you first and bypass your competition.  If you are looking for a huge advantage over your competition, then find the best keyword phrases in your industry and own the Search Page.


Google says that about 71% of the searches use the auto-complete.  That's where you will be.

We can get you results.

Thinking outside the box.

Large sums of money are typically allocated by companies towards SEO and Pay-Per-Click campaigns. However, with our service, we ensure that your business appears in the autocomplete feature of Google and Bing, granting your brand prominent visibility to customers ahead of competitors.

Keys to Success

Your business will enjoy exclusive visibility in front of your customers through the auto-complete feature. By being the only company showcased in the auto-complete suggestions, you gain a significant advantage over your competition. When customers select your company from the auto-complete suggestions, they bypass your competitors entirely, allowing you to dominate the entire first page of search results.

Take a look at the video for more insights.

Cost Effective

By utilizing our service, you can achieve cost savings by eliminating the need for expensive pay-per-click campaigns and extensive SEO efforts. Moreover, you will establish complete ownership over the entire first page of search results.

Competitive Edge

Whenever an individual searches using the keyword phrase you select, they will encounter your brand before seeing any of your competitors.


You will have exclusive listing for the specific keyword phrase of your choice. We guarantee that we never sell the same keyword phrase to any other companies, ensuring that you remain the sole company associated with that keyword phrase.

Act fast because if a keyword phrase is taken by your competition, it's gone.

  • Pick the best keyword phrases that your customers type to find you.

  • Every time someone types in the keyword phrase in Google & Bing, they will see you.

  • Save money on your pay-per-click campaign by having customers find you directly.

  • Boost your online authority by having customers search for you by name

  • Fast process. You can be getting new customers in 45 days or less with our Autocomplete-Optimization program.

Get more customers.
Affordable and effective.

Be in front of your customers on every search.

Experience the power of an unparalleled marketing platform that sets you apart from your competitors. Be the pioneering company that your customers encounter first when searching for your product or service.

  • Gain new customers and bypass your competition.

  • Be in front of every customer looking for you in Google & Bing.

  • Affordable programs to meet your budget needs.

  • Support and monthly reporting.

  • Shows on all computer platforms and mobile devices.

One the first page of search results

Our dedicated efforts revolve around ensuring that your company occupies the entire first page of search results. This grants you exclusive exposure, capturing the attention of potential customers without any distractions from competitors.

Unique Technology

Gain a distinct competitive advantage through our exclusive technology that is unmatched in the market. No other provider offers the cutting-edge technology and capabilities that we bring to the table.

Simple Process

Simplifying the process, all you need to do is select the keyword phrases that effectively attract your desired customers. From there, leave the rest in our capable hands as we handle all the necessary tasks and optimizations to drive results for your business.

Works worldwide

While your primary interest may lie in attracting customers within your city, it's important to note that anyone, regardless of their location worldwide, who searches using your keyword phrase will encounter your business.

Mobile Device Ready

Our technology is fully optimized for all mobile devices, ensuring that your customers can easily find you whether they are using a computer, tablet, or phone.

Cost Effective

We offer cost-effective solutions to help you gain a competitive advantage over your rivals.

Getting started is easy.

Our program is designed to be accessible and budget-friendly, enabling everyone to leverage this technology and attract a larger customer base. Rest assured, we prioritize your privacy by ensuring that your purchased keyword phrases remain exclusive to you. We never sell them to any other party, guaranteeing that your competition will never gain access to those specific keyword phrases.

Still not convinced?

Question: Will I be required to continue making payments while we await our business to appear in the auto-complete feature?


Answer: No, you will not need to make any further payments after your initial payment until one of your keywords appears in the auto-complete feature.


Question: Will my business be visible in mobile searches?


Answer: Absolutely, your business will appear in searches conducted on any device across Google and Bing.


Question: How long does it usually take for my company to appear in the auto-complete feature?


Answer: Typically, you can expect to see your company listed in Bing's auto-complete within 45-60 days, while in Google, it may take around 75-120 days before your company appears in the auto-complete feature.

Local and national

We have marketing programs for local and national companies.

Local Marketing Program

If you're a local business aiming to outshine your competitors, our local Autocomplete-Optimization program is here to assist you. We specialize in putting your business in front of potential customers who are actively searching for services in your specific areas of expertise. Let us guide you in implementing a program that captures the most effective keyword phrases used by your target audience to discover local businesses like yours.

National Marketing Program

Whether your company has nationwide offices or targets potential clients on a national scale, our national Autocomplete-Optimization marketing program can elevate your brand visibility to thousands of potential customers each month. Allow us to collaborate with you and create a customized marketing program specifically tailored to drive new business and maximize your outreach.

We can get you results.

Exclusive Support

We will ensure that you stay informed about the progress of your campaign through regular reports. Whenever your keywords appear in Google or Bing, you will receive notifications, enabling you to prepare and capitalize on new customer opportunities.

Simple Process

Simplifying the process for you, just provide us with the most commonly used keyword phrases that customers utilize to find you online, and we will effectively position your company in front of those exact customers.

What They Say

We've experienced firsthand the positive impact of the Autocomplete-Optimization program. When customers search for adoption services in Canada, our name shows up in the auto-suggest feature, resulting in increased visibility and attracting customers specifically looking for our services. It's a fantastic program that delivers tangible results.

- Mr. Green
Canada Adoption

We opted to get as many keyword phrases as possible so we could own the search market.  We are extremely happy.  They deliver the results they promise.

- Mr. Jesse
Dallas Mortgages

Seize the opportunity today!

Gain ownership of the keyword phrases that drive the highest number of customers to find you. Start now and establish your dominance in the search results